Chavrusa Learning
Bring a chavrusa, or let us help you find one. You can choose the topic, and when you're available, and we will try to find you someone to learn with.
Either way, theres a good chance that there will be other people learning that same topic, so you'll have someone to talk to in learning.
Call Rabbi Horowitz at 845-558-8600 for more information.
Nightly Halacha Shiur
Given by Rabbi Yosef Meir Kantor, shlita
Currently learning Mishna Berura Hilchos Shabbos following the Dirshu Halacha L'Beis Yisroel Program
Weeknights from 9:00-9:45
Biweekly Gemara Shiur- Monday and Wedneday
Given by Rabbi Yitzchok Schwartz, shlita
Currently learning Mesechta Blank.
Monday and Wednesday nights from 9:00-9:45
Thursday Night Chumash Shiur
Given by Rabbi Yitzchok Schwartz, shlita
Thursday Nights from 10:00-10:30